» Managing the Printer » Setting Items » [Setup] Menu ([Imaging] Options)
[Setup] Menu ([Imaging] Options)
Table description
Bold values in the table indicate the default settings.
Setting Item
Setting Value
[Image Orientation]
[Auto], [Vertical], [Horizontal]
Specifies whether the printer should print an image in portrait (vertical) orientation or in landscape (horizontal) orientation.
[Off], [Auto]
Specifies whether the printer should print with scaling outputs according to the printable area.
[Print Position]
[Auto], [Center], [Top Left]
Specifies the printing position for an image.
[Show Warnings]
[Off], [Print], [Panel]
Specifies the display setting for the error message in case of an error occurring.
[Print E-Mail Text]
[On], [Off]
Set e-mail print.
[Limit E-Mail Print]
[Off], [On]
[Show Warnings]
[Off], [Print], [Panel]
Specifies the display setting for the error message in case of an error occurring.
[Enlarge Print Area]
[Off], [On]
Specifies whether the printer should print a document with its printable area expanded.
[RGB Source Profile]
[sRGB v3.0 (Canon)], [Canon HDTV gamma 1.5], [Canon HDTV gamma 1.8], [Canon HDTV gamma 2.4]
Select a suitable profile for RGB data that matches the monitor that you are using.
When it set to [sRGB v3.0 (Canon)], it is set to the industry standard image quality for general Windows (PC) monitors. When using monitors that support sRGB, it can match the colors displayed on the monitor and the colors printed in the printer and print colors close to the colors displayed on the monitor.
When it is set to [Canon HDTV gamma X.X], it adjusts the brightness of the printed result so that the brightest and darkest parts of the data are not lost. Set it to adjust the brightness, such as when the print result is brighter than the colors displayed on the monitor. The larger the gamma value, the darker it is printed.
[CMYK Sim. Profile]
[Euro Standard v1.00], [JapanColor (Canon)], [U.S. Web Coated v1.0]
You can set a simulation target when printing CMYK data. The machine converts CMYK data to a device-dependent CMYK color model in accordance with the simulation target selected by the CMYK simulation profile.
When it is set to [JapanColor (Canon)], it uses JapanColor profile.
When it is set to [U.S. Web Coated v1.0], it uses U.S. Web Coated profile.
When it is set to [Euro Standard v1.00], it uses Euro Standard profile
[Output Profile]
[Normal], [Photo]
You can define suitable profiles for data that you are trying to print.
When it is set to [Normal], it matches with colors close to the colors displayed on the monitor, and prints.
When it is set to [Photo], it matches with colors similar to photographs, and prints.
[Matching Method]
[Perceptual], [Saturation], [Colorimetric]
Specify the printing method when [RGB Source Profile] is applied. You can select color rendering style on the machine, as shown below.
When it is set to [Perceptual], it provides colors suitable for printing photos and bitmap images.
When it is set to [Saturation], it provides colors suitable for printing artwork and graphs for use in presentations.
When it is set to [Colorimetric], it reproduces as accurately as possible the RGB color values that are within the machine's color gamut.
[Resolution], [Gradation], [Error Diffusion]
Specify the halftone display method when printing
When it is set to [Resolution], you can print in fine detail so that the edges of text data can be seen clearly. It is suitable for printing data containing text and fine lines.
When it is set to [Gradation] you can perform printing that combines smooth gradation with edge quality. It is suitable for printing graphics or graphs that use gradation.
When it is set to [Error Diffusion], it uses error diffusion that excels at subtle expression of text and fine lines. It is suitable for printing small text or particularly fine lines.
[Grayscale Conversion]
[sRGB], [NTSC], [Uniform RGB]
Select the method for converting color print data to grayscale for printing.
When it is set to [sRGB], it calculates the grayscale value using the sRGB standard color conversion method.
When it is set to [NTSC], it calculates the grayscale value using the NTSC standard color conversion method.
When it is set to [Uniform RGB], it takes the average value of the Red, Green and Blue color values as the grayscale value.